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Don’t Swim With the Leaves! Why Your Pool Cover is Your Friend

By Greg - Updated On: 09/10/19

Face it—this summer would have been tough to bear without a pool to escape to. It cooled you down when the scorching triple digit temperatures of the summer zapped you of energy. It gave your kids something to do in order to beat the ‘boredom blues’ they usually complain of, and it kept you in line with each fitness goal you set out to accomplish.

But with summer gone (yeah! No more humidity to deal with!) you’ve got something else to take its place—leaves, and lots of them! Swimming with leaves is out; protecting your pool is in. Here’s some of the most important reasons to invest in a pool cover, today—and preserve your favorite backyard asset for years to come.

Save on Water Costs

Many new (and inexperienced) pool owners think that a pool cover is an accessory. But in reality, it’s a necessity. Did you know that a pool which isn’t protected by a cover can lose up to 30 percent of its heat each day—and up to 10,000 liters of water (including expensive chemicals) due to evaporation? Investing in a pool cover can significantly decrease heat and water loss—up to 50 percent of water and 60 percent chemical costs—allowing you to save money, time (and spare the headache in the process!)

Think of a Cover as Insurance For Your Pool

Your pool will need regularly scheduled cleaning, but without a cover to protect it from falling debris, sticks, and hundreds of leaves that fall every night, you’re dealing with extra maintenance, and extra pick-up. Who has the time? Remember: your pool shouldn’t be a problem, but a solution for your family’s overall lifestyle, health and enjoyment. By investing in a pool cover, you’ll keep out the bugs, dirt, leaves and debris from coming in. In addition, a pool cover saves you additional costs on pool equipment. By working less, it lasts longer—and stays protected throughout the year!

How to Choose the Right Pool Cover

Not sure which pool cover is right for you? It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the planning stages of building your own pool, or you’ve been enjoying one for years. The staff at Royal Swimming Pools are extremely knowledgeable and eager to answer all of your questions. Whether it’s an in-ground or above ground pool cover you’re interested in, we offer an assortment of mesh and leaf-net covers—all of which come with stainless steel springs, installation tool, storage bag and brass anchors. The right pool cover is just a phone call away! Call us today at (866) 532-8194 and be on your way to the protection your pool deserves!

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Here are some additional resources for swimming pool covers: 


