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Inground Pool Chlorinator & Dispensers

Chlorinator / Purifier Systems

Water purification is the most important part of operating a swimming pool. If your water isn't sanitized properly then you can't swim in the pool safely. Many things can affect pool water sanitation but there is one thing that controls most of the sanitation for a pool. That thing is chlorine. Chlorinators are able to safely and evenly dispense chlorine throughout your pool to assist in water sanitation. This makes the pool water nice and clean for you to swim in. There are also some alternative sanitization methods available such as mineral systems, ionizers, and ozonators. These are more natural approaches to water sanitation but can be equally as effective or even more effective than a traditional chlorine pool. Alternate systems are intended to provide most of your pool's sanitation therefore reducing the amount of chlorine necessary in the pool water. This can have many benefits to swimmers and your pool equipment.

Floating Chlorinators:
Floating Chlorinators are very easy to use and can be used in any swimming pool. They assist in regulating proper chlorine dispersion throughout your pool.

Automatic / Inline Chlorinators:
For keeping your pool sanitized with a minimum of inconvenience, you can't beat an automatic chlorine feeder. This completely enclosed system can be installed on almost any pool.

Mineral and Low Chlorine Systems:
Mineral and Low Chlorine systems are a more natural way to keep your pool water sanitized. They work by harnessing nature's minerals for sanitation. A great way to reduce the amount of chlorine in your pool.